Ever wondered what it'd be like to live surrounded by prestigious smartasses? no? District 099 is a big city full of no one. Seriously. There's more than a handful of abandoned buildings and a strange phenomenon surrounds the area; no matter the time and place, if you're on your own, you'll never come across any other soul. As soon as you step out with a companion though, people seem to flock to you like moths to a lamp.

The only place that seems to be buzzing with life 24/7 is owned by The biggest scientific research institution, Interlinked Corporation. The main building is a space for anyone to access, serving as an interactive and weirdly artistic gallery, and with its own library full of essays and investigations carried out by their scientists its also become a dream land for anyone interested in the field.

As for the actual lab, it's off-limits to anyone who isn't under Interlinked's watch. What goes inside stays inside. They wouldn't want the media to make a big fuzz out of their ways of improving life for both monsters and humans alike, especially when the test subjects have been deprived of their rights in the name of science.


FULL NAME Adam Čierny Mäsiar

AGE 28 DOB 29.03

HEIGHT 6'2"ft SEX male YES!

AREA Anesthesiology. RBE.

POSITION Scientist.

FULL NAME Ezra ■■■■■■

AGE 28 DOB 14.11

HEIGHT 5'10"ft SEX male

AREA Neurosurgery.

POSITION RN. Outsourced.


In contrast to his coworkers, Adam has a very friendly and welcoming aura that makes you notice him instantly. He tries to keep the mood light and fun at all times. Flirty and playful, well-liked by both patients and staff.

Although he's presented as a charming and reliable figure, Adam's softness is simply a cover up for his cruelty and indifference. Often times pushing people's buttons, he passes it off as him merely joking, and underneath his kind and compassionate personality there's undertones of his sadistic tendencies aswell as his need to control everything around him. Most of his kind actions leave you with the feeling that he's being condescending in a way, but it's subtle enough for you to chalk it up as overthinking things. He'll do anything to get a reaction out of someone and then pretend he doesn't know what he's doing.

Morally non-existent. Adam doesn't care about what other people do as long as it doesn't affect him in some way. There are no limits to this, be it concerning others' welfare or even his own. He gets a kick out of that anyways.


  • Adam only sees Ezra as a form of entertainment. Not a friend or acquaintance, just someone he likes to annoy. Though he might let his guard down around him from time to time, since he knows Ezra's incapable of leaving despite wanting to.
  • Commonly mistaken for heterochromia, Adam suffers from an advanced iris atrophy on his right eye. He can see just fine but he's very sensitive to lights.
  • Easy to please, but very greedy.
  • Undiagnosed ASPD.
  • Either insomniac or hibernating in his room for a week.
  • If there's anything he loves more than attention, it's food.
  • Aromantic (doesn't know it) yet he's fully convinced his fixations with certain people are crushes.
  • Very interested in anthropology and psychology.
  • Despite being really smart and skilled he's extremely lazy.
  • freak
  • His favorite desserts are parfaits and dark chocolate covered pomegranates.
  • WILL gaslight you if given the chance.
  • Particularly fond of bad people, he enjoys seeing everyone at their worst.
  • 99% chance he sees you as something beneath him. Very rarely he feels actual respect for someone, usually becomes infatuated with them.


These will be very summarized versions as I don't want to give out all info okay...

Adam was left under the care of his uncle after his mother ended up mudering her husband and committing suicide afterwards. Adam was a silent and uninterested child thanks to his parents' previous neglect, he got picked on by his classmates due to the fact he acted like he was above them. He was a problem child but no one really bought it since he seemed so meek.

His uncle was in some shady business and got Adam involved in it after getting caught by him. From then on he was desensitized to violence and started viewing people as animals or objects to gain things from.

From a young age he learnt that acting dumb and being favored by everyone around you lets you get away with a lot of things, so he started abusing his power over others to entertain himself.

yaddah yaddah he's a little shit okay. He thinks everyone should be free to do as they please even if he doesn't agree with/understand certain things. A thrill-seeker that'll put himself and the rest of the world in danger because it's fun. He thinks he'll be able to get away with anything as long as he plays his cards right


Ezra is a calm and quiet man, trying to stay out of the spotlight as much as possible but staying just enough to get recognized for his good work. Not much of a chatter in addition to getting tense easily, this frequently leads him to having awkward conversations and interactions.

He's blunt with his words and appears distant, though it's not out of a sense of self-righteousness but out of discomfort. Despite keeping up the act of being tough, Ezra's extremely paranoid, especially when it comes to people. He'd rather die than let himself be vulnerable as he doesn't trust anyone or anything. His efforts at being unapprochable tend to fall short due to the fact he can't help but warm up to others quickly. He dislikes how soft-hearted he is. If you can manage to break down his wall of self-defense you'll come to realize he's very caring and protective of those he's close with.

Ezra's got a very strong moral compass and despises people who've done wrong. Black-and-white mindset that leads to contradictions, he's convinced society is trash and beyond repair. People don't change and forgiveness is a myth. He sees through Adam's bullshit and wonders why he's so admired among his coworkers, and he might be a bit jealous of it.


  • Even if Ezra does not like Adam at all, he can't help but feel a certain sympathy towards him. As much as he wants to get away, he always seems to end up involved with him no matter what. Very much hates himself for this as he sees it as his own fault.
  • Outsourced employee from Analgesia, only works at the lab when they're short on staff. Stays no more than two weeks at a time, but he's suffering the entire time he's there.
  • Has a birthmark wrapped along his body that resembles a centipede. Pretty common but is thought to be a bad omen.
  • Possible schizoaffective disorder and OCD.
  • Coffee addict and workaholic.
  • Used to be a neurosurgeon.
  • Watched a lot of psychological/thriller movies but had to stop due to the paranoia they gave him.
  • Surprisingly good artist, has a knack for arts & crafts.
  • Likes being cold.
  • Very repulsed by sex and romance.
  • Gave himself the injury on his left eye during a manic episode.
  • Often times has hallucinations of himself.
  • Ezra is fully aware of what Interlinked does with test subjects, he hates it yet he's obligated to be a participant of it anyways thanks to his deal with Analgesia.
  • religious trauma


These will be very summarized versions as I don't want to give out all info okay...

Ezra was born in a wealthy family of doctors, his father was a pediatrician and his mother was a neurologist. He grew up admiring both of them greatly and decided to continue the family tradition of studying medicine.

Later on though, his father's fucked up secret was discovered, leading to him ending up in prison while his family was left feeling dread and disgust. Ezra's mother was especially affected by this, frequently reminding Ezra to not be like his father. That he had to be a good person, not only for his sake but for hers. This left a big impression on him, now he felt like there was no room for him to mess up or even commit the smallest of mistakes even if all of that didn't equate to the gravity of his father's crimes.

His family had to endure stalking civilians and the press for a long time. There were many instances where Ezra had the misfortune of being attacked by them, causing him to live in a constant state of fear that he's being followed, in a way he started thinking that he was also guilty for what his dad did and that this was some sort of divine punishment.

He's fully convinced he's not a good person although he's done nothing wrong